Quick and Easy Management

Consolidate Billing
View your spend across vendors to fully understand where your money is going

Explore Infinitely
Investigate any ledger entry with a single click to discover variances and control costs

Eliminate Cost
Find and reject extraneous costs including pooled data abusers and under utilized lines

It all starts with visibility
Do you know how much you’re spending on telecommunications each month? Down to the dollar? You’re probably like most companies focused appropriately on finding and keeping customers, not your phone bill. But at some point, you will look at your numbers and say, “Whoa. We spend a lot on telco. Where is it all going?”
We created Bruin to answer this question. Based on decades of experience in the telecommunications industry, customers desired to better understand their spend across providers. Bruin breaks your multi-vendor services into Bruin True Inventory™ providing clarity in line costs. Gain visibility, save as much as 10% immediately. Start optimizing, and save up to 20% per year. Next stop, transformation: your telecommunications spend can enable future growth for your business.
Track key indicators
From finance to operations, your business needs precise insight into budgets and inventory. Structure your personal dashboard with Key Performance Indicators (KPI) that match your needs. Over time, you’ll convert data visibility into optimized finances.
Keep your vendors honest
Invoices are complicated and vendors classify lines uniquely. Bruin shows you exactly what fees and rates are billed per line. We help customers recoup overcharges from vendors by simplifying statements.

A million little robots on your side
Bruin scans and imports data from hundreds of vendors. If you have an invoice we haven’t seen before, we will create the robot at no charge. From HR systems to accounting mainframes, Bruin can read any invoice out there. And these robots are really good at finding money. Whether it's discovering overspend or unearthing unallocated budget, Bruin's army of bots is fighting the good fight.
Find your rainy day fund
Fiscal year-end expenses seem to crop up once the budget runs dry. Bruin finds savings throughout the year to ensure you have capacity for a sudden IT purchase. With Bruin, you may never need to make an emergency fund request again.
Shuttered locations and still paying
We hear it all the time. “We closed that store two years ago, and we’re still paying for phone service?” It’s true that vendors don’t mind zero-usage phone lines. But you do. Bruin highlights lines with unusual usage making them easy to disconnect. You save hundreds, thousands, even millions.
Calculate your savings with Bruin
Estimating $100/line for landlines, Finance module only. Estimating $100/line for wireless, both Finance and Operations modules. Net savings equals 15% of total spend minus cost of Bruin, which is typical for most companies. Your business savings may vary.
I'm getting so many bills from so many vendors. I'm struggling just to get the bill paid. I don't even know if I should be paying these.
Occasionally Asked Questions
Who handles the transfer of invoices with my vendors?
Bruin will fully handle the transfer on your behalf once we have a letter of authorization and a list of accounts. -
How do the vendors get paid if I'm using Bruin for consolidated billing?
We send you a funding request file. You will pay us a single amount and Bruin makes payments to all of your vendors. Instead of receiving 1000 invoices from vendors, you'll receive a single bill from Bruin and we will ensure all the vendors are paid on time. -
Can I pay my bill in Bruin?
While we want to offer this capability, we maintain FISMA (Federal Information Security Management Act) compliance which prohibits processing payments via Bruin. -
Can I continue sending payments to my vendors directly?
Yes, we'll send you a file outlining where to send the payments and for how much. We will then require information from you regarding payments to keep Bruin updated and accurate. -
Can I allocate expenses by cost center?
Yes, we program your organizational hierarchy and can allocate expenses in various formats including AHC (Agency Hierarchy Codes) and custom financial codes. -
Can I track contracts within Bruin?
Yes, Bruin stores all of your contract information and our team can work with you to create a custom report of upcoming renewals and cost ceiling overruns.
Request a Demo
Request a 15-minute demo with a rep to see the power of Bruin for yourself
Real Numbers, Real Savings
dead accounts eliminated
converted to paperless processing
average annual savings

Keep your spend in line with your head count
All too often a request from the IT department for the latest and greatest technology goes unquestioned. Spend keeps going up. How do you know it is warranted? It’s not your job to keep up with new technology, but a lack of visibility into your telecommunications spend means a knowledge gap in finances. Dollars can’t be managed efficiently without clarity.
See individual costs across vendors
Today’s employees connect across multiple carriers. A smartphone from one vendor, a tablet from another and a landline from a third. Bruin True Inventory™ enables you to see all devices and services for a single employee. No more sifting through invoices to find cost outliers or underutilized services.
Allocate bandwidth with ease
Instead of hiring another accountant, let Bruin do the heavy lifting. We work with the US government allocating costs for agencies across various financial codes. If Bruin can work for the government, it can work for you.

Deep exploration for substantial savings
From dashboards to reports, Bruin provides visibility into every nickel spent. Create custom alerts on critical metrics to keep abreast of your dynamic business. Bruin goes beyond dashboards with our Genie Boards™, nearly magical insight into your costs with clear and helpful recommendations. Our charge history reports are far from static; click any cell on the spreadsheet to discover the truth behind it and uncover savings. Need to share high level spend with executives? Our pre-built and custom reports simplify the story behind your telecommunications spend.
Discover savings
Lurking deep within every invoice is overspend. Guaranteed. It’s often accidental; an overseas trip eating through mobile data, a former employee’s line sitting unused, or late payments costing thousands in fees. We help you identify odd charges and take immediate action.
Know why costs change
Our variance reporting helps make sense of change: store openings, headcount changes, technology improvements. Blindly taking an axe to your telco bill might interrupt business-critical services. Not all costs are overages and our Bruin True Inventory™ breaks your vendor invoices into single services allowing you to trim the fat and stay lean.
I've never seen my infrastructure costs go down. Ever.
Guided spend reduction that feels like magic

Genie Boards™
We call it modern alchemy. The process of turning reams of data into intelligent action starts with a Genie Board™. We give you one place to start your day complete with charts and recommendations presenting what matters clearly and concisely. Don’t have time to log in? Use our custom integration with Amazon Alexa and simply ask for your daily Bruin briefing.
Investigate Anything
Curious about a number? Click and explore until you find the underlying story. Bruin True Inventory™ makes it easy to drill down to the device or line regardless of the vendor. Spend more time understanding why costs change instead of scouring a bill for the customer support phone number.
Take Immediate Action
Each Genie Board™ is designed and engineered for action. We bubble up the critical data to empower your decisions. Disconnect unused lines. Upgrade pooled data plans. We empower you to take control of your finances by fully understanding your telecommunications spend.
Government Agency
Curious to see how Bruin can save you money? We helped a civilian agency save nearly $8 million in the first two years by transforming how they managed telecommunication expenses. Download the case study.
Operational Reliability You Can Count On
funded bills paid on time by Bruin
of your data exportable at any time
of inquiries handled within 48 hours

Migrate to Bruin with ease
Is your current expense management software underperforming? We hear this time and again. You've invested significantly in capturing your billing data, but things have changed. You're not seeing the right information. The savings are dwindling. Or it's simply too hard to use.
Automated data import
The easiest way to migrate from your current expense management software is to give us access. That's all it takes and we'll do the importing, sorting and reporting necessary to get you back to savings. Don't have access? No problem. We can do it the old-fashioned way. Regardless of the approach, our team will work hard to get you migrated in weeks, not years.
Escape from acquisitions
The industry is undergoing an interesting shift. Expense management stalwarts are struggling to integrate legacy systems brought together by an acquisition. If you're ready to switch to clean, easy-to-use software that simply works, get started today.
Getting started with a free proof of concept
Request a demo
One of our expert representatives will walk you through real data to show you how Bruin works and its ease of use.
Send us your data
Provide us with exports of your employee list, vendor invoices and other data. We import it into your private Bruin environment.
We build a proof of concept
Give us a few days to create your organizational hierarchy and transform your confusing invoices into illuminating Bruin True Inventory™.
See your savings instantly
We reconvene and walk you through savings, typically around 10%. You’ve now reached the first level of Bruin benefits: visibility.
Trial the system for 4 weeks
Expand usage and gain familiarity as your organization learns the power of Bruin. We’ll provide advanced training to ensure your team takes advantage of everything Bruin.
Request a Demo
Request a 15-minute demo with a rep to see the power of Bruin for yourself